Steph Sherer Executive Director, Americans for Safe Access
One month ago I traveled to California for an event in San Francisco. The morning before the event, I awoke to the news that the DEA was raiding Blue Sky, a dispensary in Oakland. It was heartening to see an outpouring of support for medical marijuana patients, but the dispensary was closed down and medicine was seized. The next day I visited a dear friend who is suffering from late-stage cancer, who is too ill to medicate even with a vaporizer. Though in great pain, my friend did not want to use morphine and lose her ability to communicate with the friends and family whom she loves very much.Thanks to California's compassionate use law, I was quickly able to meet her caregiver at a dispensary in San Francisco, where he safely purchased cannabis edibles recommended by her doctor. Within an hour of taking a medical cannabis lozenge, my friend, who hadn't eaten in three days, sat up and ate like a horse. This sight reminded me why we all fight so hard for safe access. What would I have done if this were my grandmother in Texas, which does not permit compassionate use? How could I have quickly found edibles if the DEA had closed every dispensary in the Bay Area?
DEA actions jeopardize health, but we can stop the raids
When the federal government tries to stop access to medicine, they are trying to undo tens of thousands of hours work that advocates and local governments have put in to creating regulations for safe access to cannabis. The DEA wants to deny patients medicine that can dramatically improve their lives, or reduce their suffering. Without safe access to cannabis, patients and caregivers have to resort to the inconsistency of the illicit market.
That is why Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher, Maurice Hinchey and Sam Farr will introduced a bipartisan amendment to deny funding to DEA raids against dispensaries operating in accordance with state law. This amendment to an Appropriations bill would not legalize marijuana, but would preserve state's rights to allow compassionate use, and support local government decision-making.
If you do one thing for safe access to medical marijuana this year, make it a phone call to your representative in support of this important amendment by using our Online Action Center.
My friend is still alive. Marijuana will not reverse the course of her illness, but thanks to high-quality cannabis products, she is alert enough to talk to her friends and family for what may be the last time. Having those precious moments with a dear friend is why I work so hard to preserve access for all patients. Please join me in asking your representative to vote Yes on the Rohrabacher-Hinchey-Farr Amendment, to preserve safe access for our friends and loved ones.
Source: Huffington Post
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